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Free Autoresponders ... with a Difference ! Clique para gravar!

Se está envolvido em divulgar páginas ,deve pegar correndo esses programas gratuitos onde você recebe informações ligadas a área de webmarketer,webmasters,Site tools e design..Tudo traduzido para o Português para você.

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Autoresponders,informação gratuita para webmarketers!

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E-mail grátis + grupos de e-mails (

Seu Email 

If you are involved in any online business you will find autoresponders indispensable. They allow anyone with email to receive your information on demand.
You can use autoresponders to distribute sales letters, price lists, free articles, product updates etc.You can use them to automatically confirm information received from an on-line form or thank you notes for orders.The list goes on and on.
In the past companies have offered autoresponders for free with the proviso that their sponsored ad message appears with your outgoing reply.
The Sendfree company have now come up with a brilliant variation and produced the internet's first autoresponder ad exchange allowing you to get free advertising whenever someone requests your own autoresponder message.
Here is how it works:

SendFree provides you with unlimited free autoresponders.
Your autoresponder messages will include one short ad when delivered. That ad is for another member of SendFree.
But similarly another Sendfree member will show your ad in their autoresponder message.

Every two times someone requests your autoresponder message you are credited with one free ad.
Simply put, the more you promote your SendFree Autoresponder, the more people will read your information - and the more free email ads you'll earn.

To see an example of how this works just send this Email and within a minute you will receive an autoresponder reply (It's a great article about how to boost your web traffic).

So join up now: Click here. . Have you collected our Free gift ? Click here for the "The SuperTips Book of Internet Marketing"