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Abaixo seguem Páginas em Português e em Inglês sobre o assunto:

SIMPLE/Moradia| Introdução/2 |Considerações/3 |Ecologia/4 |Receitas/5 |Orçamento/6| Mais economia/7 |Lanches/8 |Links/9 |Planos/10|Organize-se/11 |Mais Orçamento12 |Sua casa/13

Goals, Simplicity, and Frugality by Rebecca Stuck
You want to be somewhere else. You aren't sure WHERE, you just know you don't like where you are. So you get into a dilapidated car and drive off without a map, a guide, or a clue, yet you keep driving. You turn down a gravel road and find yourself lost. The car breaks down and you wonder, "How did I get here?"
Would you ever let that happen to yourself? Probably not. Yet many of us go through life that way. No goals, no plans, and no idea where we are going.
Goal setting is an important step in all aspects of life. Whether it is for your career, your family life, or your spiritual life, you need to have a plan. A ship always has its course plotted.
Although rough winds and storms may knock it off course, it can steer right back to its goal, because it has a map to go by. We need to be the same: have goals and a reasonable idea how we can reach them.
Two tools you can use to reach your goals are simplicity and frugality.
For clarity I will give you my definition of each. Simplicity: streamlining your life to have as little complications as possible, allowing you to focus on your goals.
Frugality: the way to achieve your goals in the most inexpensive, efficient manner. Simplicity is the road to your goals and frugality is the car that takes you there.
Simplicity & frugality work well together, yet sometimes hit a bump. For instance,in order to keep my evening simple (least complicated) I may stop and get a bucket of cluck on the way home for dinner. However, that would clashes with my idea of frugalness (inexpensive & efficient). While the bucket is efficient, it isn't necessarily inexpensive.
This is where a checks and balances system has to come in. If I use a coupon when I buy the chicken, then I am being as frugal as possible while being simple and achieving my goal for that evening.
However, my overall goal might be better served if I spend one day a month mega cooking, making huge batches of homemade fried chicken and freezing them into dinner portions. By putting in the effort one day a month, I have made each evening simple, and frugal.
There is a give and take to simplicity and frugality. There is no right or wrong. Plot your course, use simplicity and frugality and reach your goals.